Notice of General Meeting
Notices of general meetings (fcibank.com.pk)
FCIB is playing a pivotal role as a prime financial institution engaged in promoting development and growth of business entities by providing a range of both fund and non-fund based facilities and advisory services.
Throughout equity, term deposits from institutional investors and credit lines FCIBundertakes various investment and financing activities these include;
FCIB has successfully closed syndicated arrangements for Quetta Textile Mills Limited, Pioneer Cement, Premier Systems (Bosicor Group) and Pak Electron Limited. FCIB has acted as advisor and arranger of Term Finance Certificates of Gharibwal Cement Limited. In addition, FCIB participates as underwriter of rated TFC issues, listed equity instruments and also provides guarantees and standby letters of credit to leading organizations.
FCIBL is in process reorganize its operational structure to generate more quality revenues from sources both of conventional and unconventional to its past experience. FCIBL is expanding its Money Market & Forex Brokerage business by hiring new talent from the market which would contribute more to the profitability in years to come. Similarly, expansion in treasury and money market operations has also witnessed growth during the period under review.
The product is available for salaried and non salaried individuals who may also avail income tax rebates against their investment in mutual funds
Inter-bank Foreign Exchange Market Brokerage:
This would entail brokering deals between Authorized Exchange Dealers (Banks) for the sale and purchase of Pak Rupees against US Dollars or vice versa on the Ready, Spot, Forward and Swap counters, besides 3rd Currency Exchange deals.
FCIB is a joint venture company of National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) and Water & Power Development Authority (WAPDA).
Notices of general meetings (fcibank.com.pk)
Announcement (fcibank.com.pk)
Service Desk Management System (secp.gov.pk)