FCI Bank

Statutory Auditors

Auditor of the Company

     Name of Statutory Auditors of the Company

     M/s. Muniff Ziauddin & Co.

     Chartered Accountants
Independent member of BKR International
     Business Executive Center F/17/3,
     Block 8, Clifton, Karachi
     Tel       : 922135375127 , 922135872283
     Email  : info@mzco.com.pk

Auditor of the Company

     Name of Statutory Auditors of the Company

     M/s. Crowe Hussain Chaudhury & Co.
     Chartered Accountants
     Member Crowe Global

 F-4/2, Mustafa Avenue,
     Behind The Forum Street,
     Block 9 Clifton, Karachi,
     Karachi City, Sindh 75600.
     Tel       : (92-21) 
     Email  : info@crowe.pk

     Web    :www.crowe.com/pk